White Castle

What You Crave.

White Castle. What You Crave.

The inventor of the spatula. America’s first fast food chain. The first to sell a billion hamburgers. White Castle is a gastronomic and cultural phenomenon. White Castle aficionados have an outsized passion and affection for the small, delectable burgers with the one-of-a-kind-steam-grilled-taste. When we were pitching White Castle, I wrote three simple words that captured this and launched over 20 years of crave-osity that is still going strong. The rest, I humbly submit, is hamburger history. Once in a while advertising connects with people on a scale so massive that there is huge staying power in an idea. It’s a beautiful thing when it happens. Because not only does it build a brand it also rings the cash register. What You Crave was one of the most successful branding ideas in recent times; spurring a 67% growth in sales and four consecutive Effie Awards for “superior effectiveness in the market,” defeating McDonald’s Burger King, Taco Bell and Wendy’s.

Brand Positioning |Tagline | Radio | Print | POS | OOH