

A luxury brand is reborn.

Frank Lloyd Wright called it the most beautiful car in the world. Hollywood stars drove them. Heads of State insisted they be driven in one. Lincoln. The iconic American luxury brand has risen to fame and fallen several times over the last 100 years. Today, the company named after a President is back. In no small measure thanks to Jon Pearce and his team at Hudson Rouge. Created in New York to relaunch Lincoln, I joined Hudson Rouge in its second year as an agency. We had a great eight-year run together as we took Lincoln from staid to sophisticated. Dividing my time between Dearborn and New York, I worked with an exceptional group of people creating campaigns not only for national sales events, but also for numerous brand, social, and OLA projects.

Brand | Sale Event | Social | OLA | OLV | Documentary Series | Long Form Video | OOH | Print | Radio | POS | Book Launch